Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What a trooper!

Nothing like a visit to Chuck E. Cheese's Pizzeria! Who is playing this game, Auntie Sandy or lucas? Well, I thought it was time for another update for those of you who are still checking in from time to time. Sandy recently had an MRI and some extensive bloodwork done, all which came back normal. This is wonderful news in that we have really eliminated some very serious possibilities with these results. However, Sandy still continues to have headaches and neck pain daily! This, of course, is not normal! We are currently trying a new medication since the migraine medications have not had the desired results. The doctor told Sandy that she would need at least 30 days for this medication to take effect. This means that we will not know whether this medication is the right, or wrong, treatment for at least 30 days. We are faced with another difficult decision. Do we continue to wait things out here in the States? Or, do we take a chance and travel back to the Domincan in hopes that this medication is going to work out in those thirty days? Please continue to pray for Sandy's health and that the Lord will heal her completely. Also, we would ask that you would pray for peace and wisdom in our decision making. Oh yeah, I guess there is one more thing. . .Pray for our finances. Our budget has taken a hit with our decision to stay here in the States. The cost of living is considerably more here than in Dominican Republic. There is a "make a donation" link to the right if you're interested in helping us meet our needs. Thank you. . .for everything!


amberWIRE said...

Thanks so much for the update Greg! God has a plan, I'm praying that you will have clarity and peace of mind about the decisions you are making! We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Sheila and I continue praying for you guys. Sandy, we care! You guys have so many who cherish your lives and believe in you. God bless you both.
- Mark Beeson

amberWIRE said...

Hey Guys! How are things going? I am in need of some updates on your lives!

Love you!

Peter Mannering said...

Hey guys,
we'd like to talk and see if there is something we can help you with - where ever God leads
Pete and Sandy Mannering